Airfield Identification
United States of America
CITY: Miami, FL
COORDINATES: 25°48'N / 80°17'W
OTHER NAMES: Miami AAF, Miami International

Commando Operations
During World War II, Miami AAF was an Air Transport Command base. It was the starting point of the South Atlantic ferry route, through which many of USAAF's aircraft transited.
Postwar, as America's gateway to Latin America, Miami airport became home to many non-scheduled operators that used WWII-era propliners. Many Commandos were based there, and many others from the Caribbean and South America visited the place on a regular basis.
Units & operators based
1105th AAF Base Unit
2585th Air Force Reserve Training Center
Associated Air Transport (1952 to 1962)
Commandos based at ATC 1105th AAF Base Unit
- Curtiss C-46A-55-CK Commando: 43-47109
Last edited: 29/03/2021