Jordan International Airlines
Operator Identification
1950's to 13 September 1961
TYPE: Non-scheduled airline
FORMER NAME: Arab Airways & Air Jordan (merger)
OTHER NAMES: Jordan International Airlines, Air Jordan of the Holy Land (dba)

Operator History
It seems that when Air Jordan took over failing Arab Airways in the 1950's, the merger of the two gave birth to Jordan International Airlines, doing business as Air Jordan of the Holy Land. Apparently, the venture was managed by two shady Jordanian characters: Sharif Nasser, a hashish & weapons smuggler and security adviser to the King, and Ismael Bilbeisi, another weapons smuggler who would later make fortunes in the 1990's in coffee contraband between South American and the USA. They considered Jordan International Airlines as a mere money laundering operation, and as a convenient means of carrying contraband.
The airline operated a Commando and a DC4 with the technical help of American airline TALOA. Other aircraft were leased when needed. Routes to Kuwait and Afghanistan were flown. On 13 September 1961, the Jordanian government revoked the operating licences of all airlines registered in the country. The company subsequently ceased operating and went bankrupt.
Commando Operations
September 1954* to September 1956*
Apparently, a Commando operated by Jordan International was damaged in Jerusalem on 15 June 1959 and subsequently offered for sale.
Another Commando was leased from the USA in 1954-1955.
Last edited: 21/10/2019