Airfield Identification
Pre-WWII to present
CITY: Myitkyina, Burma
COORDINATES: 25°23'N / 97°21'E
OTHER NAMES: Myitkyina South Airfield, Myitkyina North Airfield

Commando Operations
Myitkyina airfield was built before World War II by the British, and was Burma's northernmost airfield. It was composed of two runways operating as two separate airfield: Myitkyina South, still visible today, and Myitkyina North, now covered by urban growth.
The airfield was captured by the Imperial Japanese Army on 8 May 1942 during the Japanese conquest of Burma. During the occupation, it was used by the Japanese Air Force as a fighter base, attacking Allied aircraft flying "the Hump" transport supply missions between India and China. The airfield was attacked on numerous occasions by 10th Air Force and Royal Air Force fighters and bombers. "Merrill's Marauders", American-trained Chinese troops and American guerrillas under Brigadier General Frank D. Merrill, supported by airdrops, captured Myitkyina airfields on 17 May 1944. On 23 May, the Japanese counterattacked unsuccessfully. Thereafter, Myitkyina was developed into an American airfield. Fighting continued in the town of Myitkyina until August 1944.
Once in Allied hands, the 3rd Combat Cargo Group moved in and used Myitkyina as a combat resupply airfield, air-dropping pallets of supplies and ammunition to the advancing Allied forces on the ground. In early 1945, the 1st Combat Cargo Group moved in and remained until August when elements of the 4th Combat Cargo Group replaced them. The 4th Combat Cargo Group operated supply and passenger flights between the airfield and China until December 1945 when American forces pulled out of the area at the end of the war.
Units & operators based
1348th AAF Base Unit (Myitkyina South)
1357th AAF Base Unit (Myitkyina North)
1st Combat Cargo Group, (unknown date to August 1945)
1st Combat Cargo Group, 2nd Combat Cargo Squadron (June 1945 to unknown date)
1st Combat Cargo Group, 3rd Combat Cargo Squadron (June 1945 to August 1945)
3rd Combat Cargo Group, HQ (June 1945 to unknown date)
3rd Combat Cargo Group, 9th Combat Cargo Squadron (June 1945 to unknown date)
3rd Combat Cargo Group, 10th Combat Cargo Squadron (June 1945 to unknown date)
3rd Combat Cargo Group, 12th Combat Cargo Squadron (June 1945 to unknown date)
Last edited: 12/09/2020