TACA (Transportes Aereos Centroamericanos / del Continente Americano)
Operator Identification
1931 to October 2009
El Salvador
TYPE: Airline
OTHER NAMES: Transportes Aereos Centroamericanos (1931-1950s), Transportes Aereos del Continente Americano (1950s), TACA International (1950s-2009)
SUBSEQUENT NAME: AviancaTaca (October 2009 merger with Avianca)

Operator History
TACA was founded in 1931 in Honduras by New Zealander Lowell Yerex. The concept behind it was to establish one airline in each Latin-American country, such as Aerovias Brasil, TACA Mexico, TACA de Venezuela and TACA de Colombia. From the 1940's, these foreign subsidiaries were sold to local airlines: in Honduras to SAHSA, in Venezuela to LAV. Yerex left the company in 1945, and TACA moved to El Salvador where it was modernized and expanded. Postwar, the airline modernized its fleet with Douglas DC3s and DC4s, and later turboprop Viscounts.
TACA merged with Avianca in October 2009.
Commando Operations
December 1945 to ca 1970
TACA operated a single Commando.
Commandos Operated
- Curtiss C-46A-55-CK Commando: YS-01C / N75393 / YS-35
Last edited: 31/07/2021