The Curtiss Commando Page
The Curtiss Commando Page

AVENSA (Aerovias Venezolanas SA)

Operator Identification

  13 May 1943 to 2004


TYPE: Airline


HEADQUARTERS: Caracas, Venezuela



Avensa aerovias venezolanas sa

Operator History

AVENSA was created on 13 May 1943 as a cargo airline by Venezuelan businessman Andres Boulton Pietri and Pan American World Airways. It started flights in December 1943, flying cargo to Venezuela's oil-rich Carteru region with Ford Trimotors and Stinson Reliants. By 1944, AVENSA had started passenger flights with Lockheed 10A Electras. After World War II, DC3s were added to the fleet. These were the backbone of the fleet until 1955 when Convair 340 twins were introduced for a new service to Miami, FL.

AVENSA had set up an extensive domestic route network by the beginning of the 1960s. The airline also flew internationally to Miami, Aruba, Jamaica and New Orleans. In 1961, AVENSA merged its international routes with the international routes of LAV (Linea Aeropostal Venezolana) and the resulting network was the basis for a new international Venezuelan airline called VIASA, in which AVENSA had a 45% stake.

AVENSA purchased jet equipment in 1964, and turboprop aircraft were introduced in 1966. Pan Am sold its 30% holding of AVENSA to the Venezuelan government in 1976, making it completely state-owned. During the 1990's, AVENSA fell into financial difficulties and had to make cut backs. It took over many of the international routes formerly flown by VIASA after that airline collapsed in 1997. AVENSA operated a smaller low-cost airline called SERVIVENSA. Riddled with debts, AVENSA stopped all operations in 2002 and shut down in 2004.

Commando Operations

1954* to ca 1974*

AVENSA operated several Commandos in cargo configuration, mainly to carry meat from the Apure region to major Venezuelan cities.

Commandos Operated

  • Curtiss C-46A-10-CU Commando: YV-C-AVK
  • Curtiss C-46A-50-CU Commando: YV-C-AVB
  • Curtiss C-46A-55-CK Commando: YV-C-EVC

Last edited: 30/10/2021