Sedalia AAF
Airfield Identification
United States of America
CITY: Knob Noster, MO
COORDINATES: 38°44'N / 93°33'W
OTHER NAMES: Sedalia AAB (1942), Sedalia AAF (1942-1951), Sedalia AFB (1951-1955), Whiteman AFB (1955-present)
Right: memorabilia from Sedalia...
Photo credit: unknown postcard

Commando Operations
Sedalia AAF was built at the onset of World War II. It opened on 6 August 1942 as a glider and paratrooper training base under I Troop Carrier Command. Aircraft used there included the C-47, the Waco CG-4 and the Commando. In early 1945, Sedalia began converting its C-47 fleet to Commandos. By the summer of 1945, all combat cargo instructor training for I Troop Carrier Command was centralized at Sedalia.
The base closed in the mid-1940's, and reopened during the Korean War in 1951 as a strategic bomber base.
Units & operators based
802nd AAF Base Unit (I Troop Carrier Command, 61st Troop Carrier Wing HQ) (April 1944 to October 1945)
813th AAF Base Unit (I Troop Carrier Command Combat Crew Training School, Troop Carrier) (April 1944 to October 1945)
433rd Troop Carrier Group (March 1943 to June 1943)
67th Troop Carrier Squadron (March 1943 to June 1943)
Commandos based at the 802nd or 813th AAF Base Units
- Curtiss C-46A-45-CU Commando: 42-96688, 42-96692 (ground instruction mockup)
- Curtiss C-46A-50-CU Commando: 42-101051
- Curtiss C-46A-55-CK Commando: 43-47173, 43-47174, 43-47178, 43-47184, 43-47188
- Curtiss C-46D-5-CU Commando: 44-77320 (probable), 44-77433
- Curtiss C-46D-10-CU Commando: 44-77588, 44-77536, 44-77546, 44-77553, 44-77555, 44-77557, 44-77561, 44-77567, 44-77573, 44-77587, 44-77630, 44-77632, 44-77680, 44-77683, 44-77691, 44-77695, 44-77698, 44-77699, 44-77700, 44-77702, 44-77705, 44-77706, 44-77708, 44-77711, 44-77718, 44-77724, 44-77725, 44-77729
- Curtiss C-46D-15-CU Commando: 44-77991
- Curtiss C-46E-1-CS Commando: 43-47410
Last edited: 06/07/2024